
The Goals into Gold Challenge

A powerful 5 day challenge to set your goals and make sure you exceed them.

Goals into Gold: The Art and Alchemy of Becoming a Prolific Goal Exceeder

Are you someone who sets new year’s resolutions, to find that by March you’ve already thrown in the towel?

Perhaps you don’t set any goals or haven’t yet set a strategy for your life, and find yourself winging your way through it all, experiencing patchy outcomes and the same old reality?

Maybe you’ve given up completely and have joined the “I don’t subscribe to the new-year-new-me BS” crew?

Here’s what I believe more deeply than anything… You (and I) deserve to live an extraordinary life! And to live a life less ordinary requires immense focus and intentionality.

Pretending that you don’t need to grow and expand, whilst secretly resenting everyone else that’s going after their dreams, is (quite frankly) the saddest act of self-sabotage there is!

Are you ready to step into your power, and become not only the type of person who sets epically aligned goals and achieves them… but also a prolific exceeder of goals year after year – forever?

Let’s make 2021 the LAST year you set lukewarm uninspiring life goals and get ready to become the very best version of you.

You, are so ready for this!

Join me inside of the Goals into Gold Challenge, where we peel back the layers so that you learn not only the artform of setting powerful goals but also the alchemy that is required to exceed them.


We start on Monday 17th January, with a community of likeminded women who all want one thing: To absolutely have it all in life, plus prizes to be won for those that show up each day and do the work.


Prizes: For those who show up every day, and post key takeaways from the homework in the group by 5pm the following day!


Top Prize: Complimentary Access to the Clarity To Queendom Programme (worth £555, Value in the ££££’s)


Second Prize: A Complimentary 1.5 hour 1:1 Coaching Call with Cath (worth £333)


Third Prize: My all-time favourite personal development book for achieving your goals

To get your free place on this challenge, sign yp below:

The Challenge starts in....


What we will cover

Day 1 – Envisioning the Dream You (20 mins)

Day 2 – Epic Alignment with Your Desires (20 mins)

Day 3 – That Inspired Kind of Action

Day 4 – Clearing Up and Clearing Out 

Day 5 – Collapsing Time and Quantum Leaps


Where: The Goals into Gold challenge will be hosted in the Clarity Queen Facebook group. This means that you can literally join from anywhere in the world in the comfort of your own home. When you sign up to join the challenge you will be e-mailed the invite link.

Meet some of our Clarity Queens

Free Consultation

A free coaching call or meet up in person to discuss your current situation and what you want to achieve, and how I can best assist you.

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